For Investors

Technology Development Special Economic Zone
The residents of the SEZ «St. Petersburg» shall implement technology development activities which includes innovative activities; design, manufacture, and sale of R&D deliverables; design and sale of computer software, data bases, integrated circuit topographies, information systems, as well as rendering services on their integration and maintenance.

Focus Areas
and Biotechnology
Information Technologies
and Telecommunications
Location Advantages
St. Petersburg is one of the largest industrial, transport, and economic centers of the country. The city is situated at the intersection of sea, river, and land highways; it is good for logistics, has a favorable investment climate and stable economy.
  • More than 7 mln of tourists
  • 43 state universities
  • Favorable geographic position
  • Large financial market
  • Developed transport infrastructure
  • More than 300 scientific organizations
  • Over 5 mln of citizens
  • Proven experience of localization of leading global companies

Exemptions and Concessions
For the SEZ residents, special business conditions are valid. The residents receive access to available business infrastructure, preferential conditions of connection to utility networks, preferential lease conditions, tax concessions and customs preferences. This allows the investor to significantly reduce the costs for launching a new production.

Profit tax
20% General taxation, 3% for IT companies
The SEZ has reduced income tax rates.

Companies pay 2% income tax to the federal budget and the regional income tax rate, which is:
  • 0% for 6 tax periods starting with the tax period in which the first profit was made (general rate of 2%),
  • 5% for 4 tax periods (general rate 7%),
  • 13.5% after 10 tax periods (15.5% general rate).
For residents who have entered into an agreement on the implementation before 01.01.2021:
  • 2% when paying to the federal budget,
  • 12,5% — when paying to the St. Petersburg’s budget (after 2024 year - 13,5%).
SEZ Tax Concessions
2,2% General taxation
1,5% General taxation
up to 150 rub. per h.p. General taxation
The SEZ investors do not pay
  • the property tax within 10 years from the date of registration,
  • the land tax within 5 years from the month of emergence of ownership right,
  • the transport tax within 5 years from the vehicle registration.

Reduced Insurance Fee Rates
For IT companies

Novoorlovsky customs post

The customs procedure «free customs zone» is applied within the SEZ «St. Petersburg» allowing to import equipment and components for the SEZ residents on preferential terms.

Novoorlovsky customs post operates at sites

  • Checkpoints for motor transport
  • Customs control zone
  • Parking for heavy vehicles
  • Inspection area with a canopy
  • Truck scales

Free Customs Zone (STZ) procedure advantages for SEZ residents:

  • Moratorium of customs duties
  • No costs for a temporary storage warehouse
  • Flexible system of customs payments: customs duties and VAT are paid either entirely for the final product or only for its foreign components
  • Capability of duty-free placement of foreign goods within the SEZ during practically unlimited period of time
  • Own customs station

Preferential Land Purchase Conditions

of the cadastral value per year — maximum lease payment for land plots provided to the resident
of the cadastral value — payment for the land purchase

Available Utilities

Power supply
Water supply
Communication networks
Heat supply
The managing company enables the residents to connect to the utility networks of JSC SEZ allowing to reduce the project capital expenses by nearly 30%

Import and Export of Innovative Products

The preferences offer the foreign business to develop its products at the end distribution area with due regard to its macro and micro factors. The SEZ helps to create a competitive product for the Russian consumer or to arrange an efficient, export-oriented production with engagement of the top Russian personnel, resources, and technologies.

Stability and Safety

The SEZ Project is supervised by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation at the federal level, operation of the project is performed at the regional level. This is a guaranteed of stable and safe investors’ operation at the Russian market.

Special Ecosystem and Dialog with Government Authorities

Besides the preferences, the residents receive opportunities for business interaction within the created SEZ ecosystem such as to establish communication with the government bodies and large businesses, to share experience. Interaction with government regulatory bodies becomes as simple and transparent as possible.

How to Become a Resident: 3 steps

Individual entrepreneur or commercial company incorporated in the Kolomyagi
or Strelna municipality
Technology Development
Submission 01
Application submission including the document package to the Committee for Industrial Policy, Innovations and Trade of Saint Petersburg
15 business days
Evaluation 02
Application evaluation by the SEZ Advisory Council
40 business days
Signature 03
Business agreement signature
15 business days

Document package for submission to the Committee

  1. Application
  2. Letter 
  3. Copy of certificate of incorporation
  4. Copy of certificate of registration with tax authorityе
  5. Copies of foundation documents
  6. Business plan
The Application shall include the following information:
  • intended activities of the applicant
  • required state and municipal properties
  • required land area
  • amount of investments
  • utilities demand

Documents and presentations

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Investor Relations Directorate

To become a resident of the SEZ «St. Petersburg», please contact our colleagues.
Andrey Ivanov
Deputy General Director, Investor Relations
Polina Ulzutueva
Chief Manager, Investor Relations Directorate
Elena Alekseeva
Deputy Chief Manager, Investor Relations Directorate
Alena Golubeva
Head of Investors Attraction Department
Diana Ulicheva
Head residents' administrator
Gregoriy Kaplanyan
Chief Investor Relations Specialist 
Daria Shulga
Leading marketing specialist, Investor Relations Directorate